September 24, 2024

A whole lotta pictures

 Getting ready to go to our first vintage trailer rally, Goin' With the Flo in Florence, Oregon. We've decided to consider selling the Boles as we rarely use it beyond a guest room, and someone should enjoy her on the road. So in a rather unsorted fashion, here are a whole bunch of pictures starting with  one of the kitchen!! Fresh picked blackberries on the road in Montana...last camping trip with Dad. He slept on the dining table bed and thought it was just great! 

Chair yoga in Montana

Oh, and here's Silas in their Westcraft at the Deschutes, just caught dinner! 

Ok, back to painting the trailer. The green tape is just to sort out ideas. Clearly some prep work needed to be done to the old paint...Check out the bumper Fred made out of a log! He drilled the inside to run  electricity to the side running lights, and a LED rope light that runs along the whole thing for a back up light. You can see the wood grain beneath the thick silver paint. It's quite wonderful! 

The welded frame for the log bumper. 

The badges...

So Fred wore his mask and hearing protection for a loooong time, prepping the outside for its new paint job. The silver pur coat looks great. 


Bondo prep work was quite involved. 
Then came the primer....

Summer nights are great for working outside. 


Next the window frames, in a gorgeous green...

The custom awning from Marti's Awnings arrived! Had to set it up immediately!! 

The cozy bedroom with custom tongue and groove cedar ceiling. 

Here's the dinette, with  the Marvel refrigerator that works great, and the Dixie range, 4 burners and an awesome oven. 

And the propane lamp turned into the fabulous LED lamp. No mantles necessary! 

I'm an artist who makes still life photographs of natural stuff, and Fred got the whole electrical system set so that I could run my laptop and scanner in the trailer. Blackout curtains help during the day! 

and here's how well the awning works!! After a rainy night....

with adjustable center pole to really be effective at keeping the rain off!